Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This is the end...my only friend, The End.

It's true. Three point five years have passed since i began my journey into the world of technology and big cities. Where am i now? Well, i still dont know how to download things and my computer is too haggard to run msn. But i do own an iphone, and who talks on msn these days anyway? After this much time in Toronto and this many years in school I can finally say i grasp the time line of the industrial revolution, i loath the folks at turnitin.com, and i know how to under-stitch like nobodies business. So where has this left me? Well after writing my latest essay on The Wasp Factory I'd say i trust reality less than i ever have and i probably shouldn't read another book written after 1975 until whatever comes post post-modernism has taken control. This pessimistic world view has invaded my optimistic psyche causing my paranoia to take control. So "MOVE ON!" i say...to bigger and better things? probably not. but the background colour is different and so is the URL.

Love Forever,

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"We were raised by this generation who told us to follow our dreams...but then didn't understand when we grew up and took them seriously."

"well...what do you think we'll tell our kids?"

"We'll only have one kid."

-Jamie and Russ

Monday, October 19, 2009

"Our Enormously Productive Economy...

Demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction, in consumption...we need things consumed, burned up, replaced, and discarded at an ever-accelerating rate."

-Victor Lebow 1955

Love Forever,

Monday, October 12, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

A memory or two...

Even before i knew you I heard the stories. Let me tell you man, you lived up to your reputation.That little gleam of crazy peaking out from behind your eyes...and your grin. You were one of the few who really knew how to live without holding back. I looked forward to seeing you each time i came home. You always greeted me with a hug, a funny story, and a great time.

.......A high school party in the country where we first met...might have been your grad. A ginger kid with spiked hair, speaking that creepy language with my cousin.
......You boys playing music on Whyte Ave. I'd sip some gin, do a jig, and carry on with the night.
......Countless evenings dancing around the campfire. Drums, guitars, and that animalistic scream that only you could do so well....oh, remember that one Canada day? what a pow-wow, wouldnt have been the same without you.
......Many a toga parties inevitably ending with you in the nude...or running in that skulloton suit, Megan in pursuit behind you.

A tribe has lost a brother. Rest in peace Dustin, we'll miss you.

Love Forever,

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Summer is Over.

Or so say the class schedules. While eating a mini muffin (with bacon) in Pitman hall I stared at CP24 and reflected on the past few months. A summer in Toronto. Time flew as it does in the city. Trips to the beach, rooftop bbq's, and midnight dance parties have blended together.

Labour day weekend left one last chance for frivolous fun before the bite returned to the air. What better way to end the summer than a secret show...one which the kids spread through word of mouth, willingly fork over the cash, and then wait in trusting anticipation for directions. A text message as my invite, i tagged along with my friends in the know.

The ticket; a program with titles in greek and bios filled with half truths and interesting tales. On the last page directions to the concert brought us East to point most of us have only seen on the 6oclock news. I followed the hipsters through Kennedy station to a waiting bus. We stuck out like a sore thumb (or perhaps a well manicured one). 'downtowners' the man beside me called us.

"...Pass between two large rocks and then follow the path into the park. When you see eight large columns and three heads of Zeus, you will know you have arrived in the correct spot." and so we did. A night of ancient ruins, tree climbing, and a sit by the lake. Final Fantasy as the headliner, a slice of pizza and a long subway ride home. Oh Toronto, your cooler than I give you credit.

(all pictures shamelessly stolen from Kass' facebook)

Love Forever,