Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This is the end...my only friend, The End.

It's true. Three point five years have passed since i began my journey into the world of technology and big cities. Where am i now? Well, i still dont know how to download things and my computer is too haggard to run msn. But i do own an iphone, and who talks on msn these days anyway? After this much time in Toronto and this many years in school I can finally say i grasp the time line of the industrial revolution, i loath the folks at turnitin.com, and i know how to under-stitch like nobodies business. So where has this left me? Well after writing my latest essay on The Wasp Factory I'd say i trust reality less than i ever have and i probably shouldn't read another book written after 1975 until whatever comes post post-modernism has taken control. This pessimistic world view has invaded my optimistic psyche causing my paranoia to take control. So "MOVE ON!" i say...to bigger and better things? probably not. but the background colour is different and so is the URL.

Love Forever,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GREEN: Currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. It is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision. It is a calming, refreshing color. People waiting to appear on TV sit in "green rooms" to relax. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients. Brides in the Middle Ages wore green to symbolize fertility. Dark green is masculine, conservative, and implies wealth. However, seamstresses often refuse to use green thread on the eve of a fashion show for fear it will bring bad luck.