Monday, April 20, 2009

Nothing but a game of chess....

Maybe I have been reading too many conspiracy theories lately but i cant shake the feeling that things are going just a little too well for our puppy owning friend. I admit, i'v been on the Obama train for quite a while now but im getting wary. I mean, since the Bush/Gore election its quite obvious that the 'land of the free' is anything but. The country that claims to fight for democracy is showering in deceit with nothing to hide behind but a flimsy dollarama shower curtain. You know the one; just a little to short to reach wall to wall with the magnets at the bottom not quite strong enough to keep it stuck to the tub. I cant shake the feeling that our new prez has simply changed the semi transparent curtain for a coloured one with polka dots. But instead of peaking around the curtain we've been distracted by the sounds coming out of his brand new shower radio and the smell of his shampoo. The news isn't full of policy changes, its full of Michelle supporting local designers and the planting of the White house vegetable garden. I want to think he's here for change but we all know that the governments don't really control anything these days. What with the WTO and the IMF allowing multi-nationals to stake claim over formerly sovereign nations the real question is who's signing the cheques? Who's the king and who're the pawns?....i would write more but after learning that the CIA even monitors i'm not sure its a good idea to speak my mind on such an open server. My next post might becoming at you straight from my bunk in Guantanamo bay.....

Love Forever,