Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This is the end...my only friend, The End.

It's true. Three point five years have passed since i began my journey into the world of technology and big cities. Where am i now? Well, i still dont know how to download things and my computer is too haggard to run msn. But i do own an iphone, and who talks on msn these days anyway? After this much time in Toronto and this many years in school I can finally say i grasp the time line of the industrial revolution, i loath the folks at turnitin.com, and i know how to under-stitch like nobodies business. So where has this left me? Well after writing my latest essay on The Wasp Factory I'd say i trust reality less than i ever have and i probably shouldn't read another book written after 1975 until whatever comes post post-modernism has taken control. This pessimistic world view has invaded my optimistic psyche causing my paranoia to take control. So "MOVE ON!" i say...to bigger and better things? probably not. but the background colour is different and so is the URL.

Love Forever,